主页 > imtoken客户端app > 资管周报:平安PK招行“新零售王”,比特币基金巨头创纪录缩水


imtoken客户端app 2023-01-17 10:16:51

在政策方面,中国人民银行严厉打击跨境赌博“资金链”,加强对虚拟货币、区块链等新问题的防范。 2021非法集资处置部际联席会议:高度警惕私募基金、财富管理、房地产等领域的非风险动向。央行副行长李波:中国市场波动是因为“长钱”不足,应该实现积累养老金的转变。银保监会副主席肖元起:中国储蓄率虽然高,但多用于短期投资,应该推广第三支柱养老金产品。银保监会创新司司长杨东宁:坚决打击“伪创新”和“乱创新”,坚持审慎监管前提。吴晓玲带队深入分析原油宝“赌博”、“变形”等犯罪行为,呼吁职能监管。

市场方面,沪深交易所收到首批4个基础设施公募REITs项目申请。一季度基金持仓分析:总持仓下降,银行周期增加,技术消耗减少。余额宝自2017年以来首次跌破万亿大关,一季度减少近2200亿元。麦肯锡:未来10年,中国财富管理机构如何把握市场机遇?全球最大的比特币基金缩水创历史新高,过去一周比特币价格下跌约 20%,加密货币市值暴跌 2000 亿美元。




2021年4月 3月23日,中国人民银行召开打击跨境赌博“资金链”工作会议,要求加强账户全生命周期管理,严格监管责任。相关支付服务实体。针对“跑分平台”、涉赌电商平台等重点问题,以及利用虚拟货币、区块链技术逃避溯源等新方法、新问题,有针对性地加强风险防范和处置。方式。


央行4月23日发布,2020年第四季度完成。4399家银行业金融机构评级结果总体稳定,大部分机构评级结果在安全边界(1-7级) ,他们的资产占98%。 “红区”(8-D级)高风险机构数量明显下降,比上季度减少132家,比去年同期减少103家。










银保监会副主席肖元奇接受《金融时报》小范围采访时表示,地方金融机构风险存在结构性失衡,有必要找到缓解现有风险的方法。 2017年以来,采取兼并重组、托管、联合重组、引进战略投资者等方式国内投资比特币基金,有效化解部分中小金融机构风险。在谈及中小银行异地开展业务的问题时,他表示“不鼓励”。 “实践也证明,长途业务的业务风险总体水平要高于本地,中小银行不应盲目跨区域经营。”肖元启还透露,在保障金融安全的前提下,将引入更有特色、更专业的境外理财、不良资产处置和保理公司。这些机构可以设立分支机构、独资企业或合资企业。


日前,银保监会创新部主任杨东宁在参加中国财富管理网·财富管理20+论坛时表示,随着等政策的落实和完善,作为资管新规和理财新规,本行理财业务按照监管有序整改,取得阶段性进展。理财登记托管中心在促进市场稳定发展方面发挥着重要作用。银保监会持续加强对银行理财业务的专业监管,把保护投资者合法权益放在更加重要的位置,坚持金融创新审慎监管前提,从严查处违法违规行为和法规。 ,以建立牢固的风险底线意识。








4月20日,据中国人民银行行长《金融时报》报道,为开展债券市场风险监测预警,今年年初,中国人民银行太原中心支行中国人民银行根据山西省非金融企业债务融资工具的现状,对现有企业进行分类,制定了“非金融企业债务融资工具”。 “金融企业债务融资工具监测预警系统”进一步完善山西省发债企业档案,对发债企业实施动态跟踪和及时监测,实现早干预、早监测、早干预。预警,并探索了一种预防性债券市场风险的可行途径。目前,该系统在试运行后运行稳定、准确、界面友好,所涉及的基础软件、建模模块、阈值标准、权重设计和数据库均满足监控要求。




栏目| AMC如何以投行思维加速转型?资深律师:城市更新等五个大方向可探讨

在“5+2+行+外+N”的格局下,“低买高卖利差收益(贴现收益)”的时代已经过去,传统的不良资产业务即,“买债权+卖债权”的旧思维和不良资产处置即“贴现、打包、打官司”已不能完全适应新时代的市场需求。未来十年或不良资产行业的“黄金十年”,不良资产行业的经营和收益模式将从低买高卖获取贴现收益转变为通过以下方式获取综合收益价值修复(或升值),金融资产管理公司应寻求合规转型发展,充分发挥自身处置专长、资本运作经验丰富、资本雄厚、资源整合能力强、金融牌照齐全、逆周期调控,积极探索创新,采取兼并重组等措施。 、破产重组、夹层投资、过桥融资、分阶段持股等投行方式,追求价值恢复或升值,获得综合收益,力争成为下一个十年不良资产行业的“趋势”。本文结合笔者自身在不良资产领域的实践经验,探讨了金融资产管理公司在“上市公司救市”、“国有大中型企业主辅分离”中的情况。 、低效(或无效)的资产剥离或盘活”、“破产重的“和解(Reconciliation)”、“国外拍卖资产盘活”、“城市更新”等更具可操作性的“大坏蛋”商业模式。

押注通胀美国 TIPS 基金连续 29 周获得资本流入,为金融危机以来最长

在截至 4 月 21 日的一周内,美国通胀保值债券 (TIPS) 基金录得 12 亿美元的资金流入,这是连续第 29 周净流入,也是金融危机以来最长的纪录。与此同时,周四,美国财政部出售了 180 亿美元的 5 年期 TIPS 债券,收益率创历史新低 -1.631%,这再次证明投资者仍在为通胀飙升做准备。







主题 | “白酒哥”易主?刘彦春高位加仓,“喝酒吃药”张坤投资银行股


绿色金融的新玩法?景顺推出全球首只绿色建筑 ETF 或大举投资 REITs

占全球碳排放量 38% 的建筑业或将成为绿色金融的下一个投资渠道。



专栏 |家族办公室和家族信托如何监管?中国香港的相关法律和监管政策值得借鉴



天鸿余额宝4月22日公布一季度报告,最值得注意的是,规模较2020年底减少2184.1亿元,变动比例约为18 %。报告期末为9724.15亿元,期初规模超过1.1万亿元。






信托银行发展的核心价值是以客户为中心,在信托账户统一管理的基础上发展信托 原有业务,秉承“让每个人都有自己的财富账户”的宗旨国内投资比特币基金,充分发挥信托功能,提供覆盖客户全生命周期的财富管理,满足客户资产配置、财富传承、慈善公益等多元化、个性化需求。可以创造服务国计民生的长期价值,提高服务实体经济的质量和效率,满足人民对美好生活的向往,同时实现自身可持续高质量发展.







专题 |央媒指城投债“刚兑”缺乏法律依据和政策支持,如何避雷?

中国人民银行《金融时报》4月19日发表重磅文章 他表示,现代财税体制下,地方政府债务管理更加透明和规范,地方政府帮助城市的意愿投资平台可能会大幅下滑。一方面,城投平台正在逐步剥离政府融资功能,对存量债务进行一一筛选。法律承认,城投债“公平兑换”缺乏法律依据和政策支持;另一方面,地方财政收入将优先落实“保民生、保工资、保运行”的“三保”。没有多余的资金救助陷入债务危机的国有企业。此外,尾部城市投资平台存在淘汰风险。截至2020年底,城投债总存量已超过10.6万亿元,成为债市规模较大。巨大的债券发行人。如何避免城投债“踩雷”?

A股期权公募基金的潜力如何? CICC: From the comparison of common strategies of overseas option funds

Currently, the country There are still no options-based public offerings in China, but two products have been officially declared recently. A recent research report released by the quantitative team of CICC believes that such products have certain development potential in China. An empirical study on the applicability of the A-share market is carried out. The report pointed out that the strategy of fixed income + call options has room for performance in the A-share market, that is, holding most of the assets in monetary funds to achieve asset preservation as much as possible, and the strategy of rolling the remaining assets to buy call options, mainly in the A-share market. The "surge" feature has the opportunity to achieve a "Davis double-click" in which both the spot price and the volatility increase.

McKinsey: How can Chinese wealth managers capture market opportunities in the next 10 years?

McKinsey released the China Financial Industry CEO Quarterly on April 19, combining the recent trends of the world's mainstream wealth management institutions, analyzing the five major trends that Chinese wealth management institutions are facing and the eight major tasks that need to be focused, so as to help China's wealth management Institutions capture market opportunities over the next 10 years.

The most complete analysis of snowball structure products! CICC: Basic elements, risk-return and historical backtesting

In view of the snowball products that have been popular in the past two years, the CICC fixed income team released a research report on April 20, saying that, in general, The expected income of the snowball structure is higher than that of ordinary pure fixed income products. Investors shall bear the loss if and only if the related target is only tapped in but not tapped out during the investment period, and the expiry price is lower than the initial price.

In the first quarter, the overall "volume and price increase" of bank wealth management products, and the issuance of wealth management subsidiaries increased by 16% to 1,665 models.

The report released by Puyi Standard on April 19 showed that a In the quarter, a total of 13,925 bank wealth management products (including closed-end, open-end, and non-net-worth products) were newly issued, and the number of products issued decreased by 3,527 from the previous quarter. For closed-end net worth products, the overall performance benchmark was 4.21%, up 0.02 percentage points month-on-month, of which the average performance benchmark for fixed income products was 4.19%, up 0.02 percentage points; the average performance benchmark of hybrid products is 4.54%, up 0.09 percentage points from the previous month; the average performance benchmark of equity products is 5.12%, down from the previous month< @0.10 percentage points.

Asset management institutions

The total AUM of private banks has increased to nearly 3 trillion! China Merchants Bank's Q1 net profit increased by more than 15% to 32 billion yuan.

China Merchants Bank released its 2021 first-quarter report after the Hong Kong stock market on April 23, showing that under the macro environment of the continuous recovery of the domestic economy, the Group Various businesses maintained a steady growth trend and achieved good profit growth year-on-year. During the reporting period, the operating income was 847.5.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.64%; the net profit attributable to shareholders of the Bank was 320.1.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.18%; net profit attributable to shareholders of the Bank after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was billion, a year-on-year increase of 14.22%; basic earnings per share1. 27 yuan.

CITIC Construction Investment Securities intends to invest 2.5 billion to set up asset management subsidiaries. Jiantou Securities also stated on April 22 that it plans to invest no more than 2.5 billion yuan to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary asset management subsidiary to engage in securities asset management related business, thereby promoting the Group's asset management business to achieve better development.

Blackstone's Q1 net profit and total asset management scale both set records, and the return on private equity investment is as high as 15.3%

The first quarter net profit of asset management giant Blackstone Group was 1 7.$500 million, or 2.$46 per share, a record; its total assets under management also reached a record $649 billion. With bets on reopening the economy, Blackstone's private equity portfolio returned 15.3% in the first quarter, well ahead of the S&P 500.

Go light! Ping An of China: Provision of 18.2 billion yuan for China Fortune Land Development

On the evening of April 22, Ping An of China announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that in the first quarter of 2021, the company will depreciate the relevant investment assets of China Fortune Land Development Including the valuation adjustment amount of 18.2 billion yuan, the impact on the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company after tax is 10 billion yuan, and the impact on the operating profit after tax attributable to shareholders of the parent company is 2.9 billion yuan. In this regard, industry insiders said that the performance in the first quarter after the impairment provision continued to grow steadily, indicating that the impact on Ping An's overall operation was limited. After the provisioning is completed, it is also convenient for the company to carry out subsequent operations lightly.

Credit Suisse’s Q1 net loss under Archegos liquidation2.US$7.5 billion Swiss regulator has filed a lawsuit against it

Credit Suisse recorded a net loss in the first quarter2.5.2 billion Swiss francs (approximately 2.$7.5 billion). A 4.4 billion franc loss from the liquidation of Archegos offset positive results across its wealth management and investment banking business. Meanwhile, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority announced on Thursday that it had "initiated enforcement proceedings" against Credit Suisse and would "particularly investigate possible deficiencies in its risk management."

The "New King of Retail" rarely held the first quarter results meeting. The executives of this bank, whose star funds have increased their positions, are full of confidence.

At the end of last year, they joined the "Trillion Club" of private banks. Later, the latest quarterly report released by Ping An Bank showed that as of the end of the first quarter, there were 6.250,000 private banking customers, an increase of 9.1% over the end of the previous year; the AUM of private banking customers reaching the standard was 1,2333.1.6 billion, an increase of 9.2% over the end of the previous year; retail AUM balance reached 2,802.6 billion, an increase of 6.8% over the end of the previous year. Surprisingly, on the afternoon of April 21, Ping An Bank specially held the 2021 first quarter results conference and retail open day. Cai Xinfa, special assistant to the president of Ping An Bank, said that the bank's "big retail" business has undergone four years of transformation. Winning by growth, Ping An Bank has now jumped from the "third tier" in the past to the "first tier", and has been hailed as the "new king of retail" by the market.

The world's largest sovereign wealth fund has a Q1 return of 4%, and the stock investment is bright to make up for the fixed income loss

The Norwegian Government Global Pension Fund (GPFG) recorded 382 billion kroner (about 382 billion kroner) in the first quarter $45.7 billion), with an overall return of 4.0%, 24 basis points higher than the benchmark index return. Among them, equity investment income was 6.6%, which contributed the most during the quarter, which was largely driven by the financial and energy industries. Excluding equity investments, GPFG's fixed income portfolio returns -3.2% and unlisted real estate returns 1.4%.

Guotai Junan Asset Management officially entered the public offering and quickly started the comprehensive reform of investment and research lines

On April 20, Shanghai Guotai Junan Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guotai Junan Group (below) "Guotai Junan Asset Management") received the securities and futures business license renewed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and officially opened up the public offering business. According to a brokerage China report, Guotai Junan Chairman He Qing has a clear requirement for Guotai Junan Asset Management to enter public offerings: "Be ambitious, but also have patience", and said that the next ten years will be the "golden era" of wealth management, and Guotai Junan will continue to practice Carry out the concept of inclusive finance, and actively undertake the social responsibility of leading securities companies.

Huarong Jinshang Asset Management: Postponed disclosure of financial reports but guarantees bond redemption work on time

Huarong Jinshang Asset Management announced on April 20 that the company's shareholder China Huarong related transactions To be determined, it is not expected to disclose the 2020 annual report and the first quarter financial statements of 2021 before April 30. Therefore, the company decided to delay the disclosure of the 2020 annual report and the financial statements for the first quarter of 2021. The company's operating conditions are normal and its solvency is good, and it will pay and redeem the relevant bonds in strict accordance with the agreed time and method.

How did Jiangsu Trust and Bairui Trust perform in 2020? The annual report disclosure of two listed companies

With the successive disclosure of the 2020 annual reports of listed companies, the performance of some trust companies last year also surfaced. Among them, Jiangsu Trust has an active management trust scale of 1904.2.4 billion by the end of 2020, accounting for 60.56%, an increase of 113.17% compared with the beginning of the year; but its net profit decreased year-on-year 19.64% to 19.4.4 billion. The proportion of active management business of Bairui Trust is as high as 89.66%; the net profit is 11.2.8 billion, a year-on-year increase of 3.68%.

Greenland Group's big move! Greenland Finance is actively applying for a financial holding license. The digital company plans to split and go public within three years.

Greenland Group Executive President Geng Jing revealed to the media on April 18 that Greenland Finance, a subsidiary of Greenland Group, has invested in local governments and state-owned assets in Shanghai. With the support of the Central Committee and the Central Bank, it is actively applying for a financial holding company license in accordance with the State Council's "Decision on Implementing the Access Management of Financial Holding Companies". Geng Jing further introduced that Greenland Finance started from the small loan financial license before, and the licenses currently held almost cover banks, securities, trusts, etc., and the insurance license is about to be completed. (Editor: Alice Liu)
